Brand new, fully working, original Apple PowerBook rev. c passive matrix (FSTN) LCD Display for the PowerBook 145, 145B, 160 and 165 in its original AppleService box. The panel was not functioning when originally tested and so has had it's original leaking electrolytic capacitors carefully changed for new tantalum caps.
This was the only panel used on the PowerBook 145B. Note that the PowerBook 145 was fitted with three non-interchangeable LCD panels. These require matching display cables, inverters and inverter cables. The following is a table showing the matching part numbers for each revision.
Revision A (PB 140/145) LCD 661-0681
Display cable 922-0820
Inverter 699-0271 (blue)
Inverter cable 936-0106
Revision B (PB 140/145) LCD 661-0681
Display cable 630-6272
Inverter 699-0272 (red)
Inverter cable 936-0106
Revision C (PB 145/145B) LCD 661-0745
Display cable 922-0820
Inverter 922-0025 (blue)
Inverter cable 936-0106